Bubble and Squeak [Action Game]

Potential Pros & Cons

- Decent visuals with nice character animations
- The few tunes present through the game are cool
- Over thirty stages to satisfy your hunger
- Nice level designs and intuitive gameplay system involving teamwork
- Very affordable
- Supports passwords

- You don't get passwords every level
- Underwater levels aren't very practical
- Sucky ending

Vyse States:
"Bubble and Squeak is one of those odd games that
isn't rare, but nobody really talks about it. It's a little
ironic because this game is pretty good, given the
kind of game it is. If you're looking for one more quirky
platformer, add Bubble and Squeak to your list. It's so
cheap, you won't break the bank coming up with the
cash for it. "

Game Screenshots

Title Screen Bubble, the lead character, has such a big head!! It's no Thunder Force or M.U.S.H.A., but it's a mild diversion from all the puzzle-solving.

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