Eithea [Roleplaying Game/Bonding Simulation Game]

Potential Pros & Cons

- The game looks nice enough
- The game has a unique battle engine
- Multiple girls and endings means more replayability
- This game has a photo gallery unlockable
- Aoi Nanase's art is great

- The fights are drab and boring
- The battle system is a little cumbersome
- The game is cliched and awfully predictable
- The story isn't anything special
- Four blocks per save and slow memory card access

Bel States:
"I won't say that TamTam didn't try, because that would
just be a lie. I think they tried hard to make this game
stand out from the crowd and they hired a lot of people
and pulled a lot of strings to get this game out there, but
in the end, most of the things in this game seem to have
been lost in translation. The pretty pictures don't match
that well with the forgettable audio and the forgettable
audio doesn't blend well with the mixed up gameplay,
but there are a few likable characteristics here and there.
It's just a lot harder to find something about this game to
like that isn't in the visual department. I'll give my usual
advice in this situation; if you like what you see, buy it
for cheap. If you don't like what you see and you don't
like it based on what I've said, I don't blame you. This
game isn't for everyone."

Game Screenshots

Title Screen Why do the characters look so drastically different? That heckhound doesn't stand a chance against Yuka!

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