Magical Drop 2 [Action Puzzle Game]

Potential Pros & Cons

- Bright and colorful graphics with nice character animations
- Each character actually has their own theme this time around
- Loads of gameplay tweaks really help this game stand out
- Characters now have cute little story segments
- The action that made the first game popular is even better

- Moderately expensive
- Should have been released worldwide
- Stack attacks are still kinda overkill

Bel States:
"Magical Drop 2 is MUCH better than the original
game. It's actually a little hard to believe that a game
can improve so much so quickly, but if you didn't like
the first Magical Drop, let this one make a believer
out of you. The game is a blast to play against a friend,
is fun to play alone, and this game can spawn some of
the most bitter rivalries imaginable. The only significant
problem I can think of is the whole damage-to-chain
ratio, which is still a bit much. It would have been better
if they just dropped junk objects on your opponent, but
hey, that's just me. Buy this game if you can find it for a
reasonable price; it's one of the best puzzle games on
this system."

Game Screenshots

Title Screen The World has a new and, IMO, better look. The Fool is out of his league here. The Strength is one of the toughest opponents you can face.

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