Additional Info On Devilish:

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There isn't too much unusual stuff to say about Devilish that I haven't said already...and yes, I'm sorry about that whole "Maru's Mission" thing. I completely blew the lid off of that one! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

*Vyse stares nervously back at the angry viewers*

Anyway, I will keep this one on one page. One thing that is interesting was the old logo that Genki used to use. It's a logo that is rarely ever seen. The old logo is the Genki logo on the left with the font with the sharp edges. The current logo that Genki uses is the one on the right. As stated at the bottom of Genki's corporate info page here, the modern Genki logo was taken from a drawing of Hiroshi Hamagaki's son when he was three years old. Hiroshi Hamagaki is the Chairman of Genki. He and Tomo Kimura founded the company back in 1990 with the aim to "materialize fantasies and craft dreams". By visiting the corporate page that I mentioned before, you will also learn that the modern Genki logo means more than what meets the eye.

Old Genki logo Genki's current logo

One other thing I found strange about Devilish is that the first level of the game has a part in it where you can defeat a man in a white suit. You only fight the enemy once in the entire game...even stranger, Genki played a special tune that only plays when you reach him. I surmise that the person in the white suit is none other than Michael Jackson! The tune that plays sounds like a short version of the song "Bad" that is played in "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker"! This is not so hard to believe considering that Hiroshi Hamagaki and Tomo Kimura were once a part of Sega and there are many ports of MJM...including one for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive. Maybe they like (or dislike) Michael Jackson? I guess I'll never know in this day and age. The Devilish title screen below is from the Japanese game. The MJM title screen shown is for the U.S. game. The music video shown in the "Bad" link is not in the MJM games. It is very important to note that MJ does not appear in the Genesis version of Devilish...companies never cease to amaze.

Japanese version of Devilish U.S. version of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Genesis

MJ? The King of Pop himself.

The last thing I want to mention is that the credits in the Japanese game tell you (in plain English) that Devilish was their first product. It's pretty interesting that their first game would be so unusual, but then again, Genki had (and still does have) strange tastes when it comes to games.

Japanese version Japanese version

So there you have it. Once again, I have probably bored you to tears, but I just have to talk about things that you probably don't care about. Still, I feel that this kind of random crap is important because it makes you think.

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