High Seas Havoc [Action/Platformer Game]

Potential Pros & Cons

- Excellent Graphics
- Good Audio
- Cool Sonic-esque Hero
- It's Challenging...

- One power-up in the whole game
- All you do is run, jump and roll
- Touchy Controls
- The last three levels can be absurd

Bel States:
" High Seas Havoc is a great looking, great sounding
game that appears to look like a timeless classic on the
surface, but it's marred by its playability. There are no
bonus rounds, only one real power-up which was meant
to help add that element of "speed" that any Sonic-like
game would want, a very limited repertoire of basic
abilities which can make the game more vexing than it
should be, and little reason to play the game as a whole.
There are a lot of better platformers on this system, even
if a lot of them don't look as nice, which is unfortunate
given everything else High Seas Havoc had going in its
favor. The game isn't completely insufferable as it is, but
its far from SONIC being the best."

Game Screenshots

Best Title Screen Evar? HELP! HELP ME SONIC!! Don't stand still for too long, or you'll walk the plank!

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