Rise of the Dragon [Text Adventure/ Digital Novel Game]

Potential Pros & Cons

- Decent imagery and a nice dismal atmosphere
- Cool dialouge that's nearly entirely voiced and a tough protagonist
- Two types of shooting modes: Shooting in a scene and side-scroller
  (like an action game)
- Many scenarios, clips, and things to consider
- Chinese pimps and the Chinese mafia are present in this game
- Numerous endings

- Graphics of the side-scroller segments look very primitive and crude
- Some objects are hard to identify
- Side-scroller segments' controls are a little slugish

Bel States:
"Rise of the Dragon is a treat for the console gamer who wants
to play a more PC oriented text-adventure style game. These
types of games on a console are somewhat of a rarity outside
of Japan, and Rise of the Dragon is actually a good one and
moderately affordable. If you have a Sega CD, love your
Sega CD, and don't have this game, then you owe it to
yourself to pick this one up."

Game Screenshots

Title Screen Hey baby! Take a load off and have some fun! Pistol...check! Keys...check! License to kill......check!

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